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Welcome to the Local 818 page dedicated to assisting unit treasurers in
submitting financial responsibilities in a timely manner.

Patricia Markes-Roennpagel, Local Treasurer, is always willing to answer and help unit treasurers with any questions and challenges they are facing to get the required financial paperwork turned in on time.  You can contact her with any questions you may have by sending her an email at,

Every unit treasurer is required to take treasurer training once per term.  Check back for the virtual and in-person 

training schedule. As trainings are announced they will be posted here. 

A crucial tool that treasures need is the financial standards code manual.  Click here to download a copy to your device.  

THE 2023-24 BUDGET MUST BE APPROVED BY THE REGION/LOCAL/UNIT EXECUTIVE BOARD ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30, 2023. Additionally, as Region/Local/Unit President, it is your duty to FILE THE APPROVED 2023-24 BUDGET WITH CSEA ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 2023. CSEA Regions and Locals file their completed reports with the Statewide Treasurer while Units file their completed reports with their Local Treasurer.


Download the instructions for filling out your budget form:

Download the budget form: 

The season is upon us to have our end of year financial and audit reports submitted to our local treasurer.  ALL FORMS NEED TO BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 31, 2023.  If you are having problems working through it please email Patricia (local treasurer) her contact information is above.  Thank you.

End of Year Financial Report, Audit report and instructions(PDF):                                      

Income and Expense Registers:   

CSEA Food Allowance Rates Per Day for Conferences/Trainings


Breakfast: $10.00


Lunch: $15.00


Dinner: $30.00


Daily Per Diem Rate is: $30.00




Email me with any questions you may have, I will be happy to help.


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© Copyright 2022 CSEA Local 818. All rights reserved.

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