Local 818 - Fulton County
Working Together in Solidarity!

CSEA works because we work together.
Below is a combined list of all of our Committees. Everyone is good at something, and you are welcome to join any of our committees by filling out the contact form below. You can do as little or as much as you want to help your committee.
Audit Committee: Goals: Audit the Local’s books. Research and implement ways to increase revenues for Local CSEA, ex: better interest rates, cd’s, investments. Research and implement cost effective ways for CSEA to reduce expenditures.
Membership Committee: Goals: Investigate new ways to connect with members as they join the union by for example, sending welcome letters to new members. Coordinating memberships meetings and coming up with new and innovative ideas to get more members involved. Organize and inventory closet at the office to get rid of old stuff and decide on new items for future events. Work with other committees in aiding them with their events. Set up a retiree gift inventory and reordering process.
Political Action Committee: Goals: Compile politically related news for newsletters. Advocate for CSEA backed politicians and events, phone banks, door to door advocating and marches. Ideas for keeping members informed of CSEA’s political ideology and decisions.
Health and Safety Committee: Goals: Educate members by distributing information, working with our health and safety specialist to compile ideas and trainings to keep members up-to-date and trained in the latest health and safety issues.
Education Committee: Goals: Educate members by offering trainings and literature that best supports individual units in negotiating, steward training, grievances. Compile new ideas to entice members to be more involved with all the above.
Public Relations Committee: Goals: New events that gets CSEA publicity as a force in the community, ex: newspaper articles, sponsorships on WENT.
Outreach Committee: Goals: Getting our members more involved with the inner workings of CSEA, ex: bring a guest to a Board Meeting, quilt a history of CSEA in Fulton County. This committee would work towards getting returning people involved with their union. This could also include work around elections and finding people to run for office.
Scholarship Committee: Goals: Creating new and innovative fundraiser to replenish the scholarship fund. Work with other committees in promoting CSEA scholarship fundraising.
Website Management: Goals: Compiling information for the website, keeping the information up to date and innovative. Promoting the use of the website and working closing with the website set up person.
Interested in any of the above Committees? We are always looking for help, just fill out the below contact form and tell us what you are interested in.